get your bible in the terminal

Stephen Smith

| 2 minutes

Display the Word of God in your Terminal

I ran across this neat little program a while back and thought I would share it with everyone. Tim Cooper is the author of the kjv program and you can get it from github.

To install it, simply clone the repository and then run make:

git clone
cd kjv

Alternatively, if you are running Arch you can just install it from the aur:

yay -S kjv

There is a fork of kjv that includes the 14 Apocrypha books:

  • 1 Esdras
  • 2 Esdras
  • Tobit
  • Judith
  • Additions to Esther
  • Wisdom of Solomon
  • Ecclesiasticus
  • Baruch
  • Letter of Jeremiah
  • Prayer of Azariah
  • Susanna
  • Bel and the Dragon
  • Prayer of Manasseh
  • 1 Maccabees
  • 2 Maccabees.

If you are interested in this version of kjv, you can get it from Luke Smith gitlab.\

git clone
cd kjv
sudo make install

Again, if you are running Arch you can install it from the aur:

yay -S kjv-apocrypha

You can check out the git pages for more information on how to use it but the basics are pretty simple.

You basically feed kjv the the book, chapter, and verse separated by colons.

Like so:

You can get creative and have fun by piping it through lolcat: kjv2.png
or through cowsay:

You can even pipe kjv through both cowsay and lolcat!\

Another idea could be to add your favorite verse to your .bashrc or even add it to /etc/motd to display on ssh login.\

In light of what is going on with the coronavirus, this seems like an appropriate time to spread the Word and get familiar with it.

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