multi-monitor wallpaper

Stephen Smith

| 3 minutes


Everyone loves wallpapers! It is pretty easy to find wallpaper if you have one monitor but what if you have two or more monitors?

Where to find multi-monitor wallpapers???

If you have two monitors, you can go to dmb. Here you will find wallpapers that can span across two monitors. You can click on the “click to change your preferences” to select your width x resolution. For example if you have two monitors and each one is 1920x1080, then just multiply 1920x2 for a total width of 3840x1080. Another good site to get wallpapers for a dual monitor setup would be wallpaperfusion. On the right hand side of the screen, you can choose the width you need.

Likewise, if you have a triple monitor setup, you can go to either tmb or wallpaperfusion.

If you have a quad monitor setup, you can go to either qmb. or wallpaperfusion.

How to make your own dual, triple, or quad wallpapers?

In order to make your own wallpapers, you will need a program called “ImageMagick”.

Install ImageMagick

You can visit the imagemagick github repository and clone it\

git clone

cd ImageMagick
make install\


If you have an arch-based distro, then you can get it from the repository:
sudo pacman -S imagemagick

Download some wallpaper

You need to make sure that whichever wallpapers you download are all the same size ie…image1.jpg 1920x1080, image2.jpg 1920x1080…etc
I have chosen to download some wallpapers from wallpaperabyss for this example.\


Stitch wallpaper together

We will use the following command and then I will breakdown what each segment does:
montage 412819.jpg 484836.jpg cropped-1920-1080-551729.jpg -geometry +2+2 -background none output-montage.jpg

First, montage is the name of the command we will be using that is provided by installing imagemagick. Second, we need to tell montage which images we want to use. Third, -geometry +2+2 defines the size of the image and the space between them. Without setting geometry, it would default to a thumbnail size. Fourth, -background none, tells montage that we do not want any white space or border around our completed image. Finally, output tells montage the name of the finished image. You can also give it a path.

As you can see in the image above, without the -geometry option, the image defaults to thumbnail size and includes white space.\

In this image, you can see that with the -geometry option, it is now the right size. However, there is still a border around each image that we want to get rid of.\

The final image produced will have stitched together three images into a single image, that you can now use to span across three monitors. You can use that same command for dual or quad. The only part of the command that should be different is the amount of images you include in the command.

In the final image, we have used the -background option to get rid of the surrounding borders. This is a clean image that we can now use as wallpaper.

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